
Geschäftsstelle Mutterkuh Schweiz

Daniel Flückiger Director
Esther Manser-Ammann Head of Label Sales, Vice director
Ursula Freund Head of Communication
Mathilde Reverchon Hans-Moëvi Head of Label Production
Svenja Strasser Head of Swiss Beef Cattle Herdbook
Ursi Schädeli General Executive Secretary
Edith Alarcón Communication
Janic Brüllhardt Herdbook
Jérôme Carruzzo Communication
Pia Fussstetter Finance
Laura Kreis Herdbook
Peter Leuenberger Label Sales
Claudia Lütold Herdbook
Christina Müller Label Production
Sabine Nijsen Label Production
Sophie Obrist Herdbook
Elisabeth Quarti Accounts
Karin Reimann Communication
Diana Rymann Label Production
Franziska Schawalder Communication, Editorial office "die Mutterkuh / la vache mère"
Urs Schmied Herdbook
Matthias Schwarz Label Production
Oliver Sidler Label Production, Counseling
Luana Speiser Herdbook
Michel Stalder Herdbook
Urs Vogt Herdbook, Projects
Sybille Wernle Herdbook
Meike Wollenberg Comminucation
Pierina Zemp Communication
Karin Zimmerli Communication

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